Importance of AI in COVID-19
COVID-19 has brought the great changes in our lives, from ruining the economy to making the country so much digitally forward in such a less amount of time. India’s internet consumption rose by 13% since the nationwide lockdown was put in place to check the spread of Covid-19, according to telecom ministry data that showed Indians consumed 308 petabytes (PB) or 308,000 terabytes (TB) of data daily on an average for the week beginning March 22 .
Online classes to work from home all things require you to have an internet connection. That means we require online applications to help in these process.Now you might be wondering that what is the role of AI in this process.Let us first talk about what is AI.
What is AI ?
AI stands for artificial Intelligence. Now as the word itself suggest, the task which require human brain to be done but can be done by machines by applying some algorithms.
AI systems will typically demonstrate at least some of the following behaviours associated with human intelligence: planning, learning, reasoning, problem solving, knowledge representation, perception, motion, and manipulation and, to a lesser extent, social intelligence and creativity.
We encounter AI in our daily life . Here are some examples :-
- Search engines like google use it for showing the most optimal search results(algorithms like Rankbrain)
- Gmail uses machine learning to identify the spam mails and much more
- Automated marketing emails use AI to figure out what emails to send based on how you’ve interacted with a business or website
- Ads which you see on a website or youtube are more of your interests
- Voice Searches on smart speakers or smartphones uses AI.
There are many more fields where AI is used. AI generally uses Python or R. We are not deep diving into working of AI but you can study these languages online.
Testing of Covid-19
We can see that a Danish pipetting robot is automating covid testing process around Europe. The benefit of testing via robots is that we can prevent the spread of Covid-19 to a much larger extent as there is no human intervention in this process. The robots like this are all working on AI. We train them and maintain their accuracy.
Since the beginning of May 2020, Flow Robotics has been helping to optimise the intensive work of analysing coronavirus samples in Denmark. Now, a team of robotics engineers at the University of Southern Denmark have developed a device that can automatically perform throat swabs without a human clinician being in the vicinity.
Many chatbots are now in use that can help in detecting the symptoms of covid-19. They require no human interaction for working. We can just train them and they can give the answers to the questions that are asked and can themselves identify the probability of the person having covid-19.
Enabling remote screening of patients will reduce the contact time between patients and frontline healthcare workers and, critically during the COVID-19 pandemic, can reduce the use of facemasks and other personal protective equipment during patient intake. Automation of lab and testing services: Robots can also automate manual operations that are labour-intensive, time-consuming and repetitive in order to reduce the burden on frontline healthcare worker.
These tasks are quite challenging but if implemented at large scale can be very beneficial in fighting with this pandemic.
Work From Home
Work from home is the thing that has grown at tremendous rate in lockdown. Thousands of employees are working from home. Many meetings,seminars and webinars are held using zoom,Skype, etc.These all apps works on AI.Using AI, it converts all the speech from a meeting into text and even identifies each speaker.
As working from home has increased the productivity of many employees, companies are looking to implement WFH as a permanent strategy for a percentage of their employees. As work from home is a big success, companies will continue it after lockdowns also. So in future it will require much more things than now which is possible using machine learning and AI.
AI pre-screening of candidates before inviting the most suitable in for interviews is an increasingly common practice at large companies which make thousands of hires each year, and sometimes attract millions of applicants.
Her we can conclude that AI is playing a greater role in making our lives easy and it will continue growing in future.
Big tech-giants like Google,Facebook use AI at very large scale and there are many job opportunities in this field and it will continue to grow in near future as it produced outstanding results. Hope you like this post. Comment down your experiences of AI.
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