Python print() statement
In our previous tutorial we have seen how to use print() statement.
Click here! if you haven't seen that tutorial.
The full syntax of print() statement is
print("* The statement to be printed",sep="The separator you want to insert between words",end="What you want to print at end of line", file=sys.stdout ,flush=False)
- * - Here * means that we can give more than one print statement separated by commas
- sep - Separators can be used when uou want to sepereate Words by some specific character. Default value of separator is " "(single space)
- end- It simply indicates that how do you want to end your line.Default value of end="\n"(leave a single line)
- file-- We use this attribute to write something into a file. That text will not be displayed in the terminal.
- flush - decides whether to flush the stream or not. Default Value="False"
Note: In python you can use both " "(double quotes) or ' ' (single quotes) they both convey the same meaning.
>>> print("Where are you going?", "I am going to the shop")
Output : Where are you going? I am going to the shop
>>>print("Where are you going?", "I am going to the shop",sep="-")
Output : Where are you going?-I am going to the shop
>>>print("10","7","1965", sep="/")
Output : 10/7/1965
Notice that sep work on the values we assign to it. Default value of sep is " "(a single space).
You can simply go to your pycharm terminal and can run these commands or you can create a separate python file and run it
eg. print("Sun rises in east")
print("and sets in west")
Output : Sun rises in east
and sets in west
eg. print("Sun rises in east",end=" ")
print("and sets in west")
Output : Sun rises in east and sets in west
eg. print("Sun rises in east",end=" and")
print(" sets in west")
Output : Sun rises in east and sets in west
Note: We will see "file" attribute of print() statement in upcoming tutorials after studying "FILE HANDLING"
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